Friday, April 24, 2009

And you may ask yourself

Here are a few shopping tips which have been passed on to me from my faithful friends and family. Without them, I would be holed up in my apartment, cradling my credit card, rocking myself in a corner being too afraid and overwhelmed to embrace the joys of shopping which New York giveth. Please post a comment below if you have further wisdom to add. But here's a start:

1. If it's on sale, it's because other people don't want it. It is too big, too small, last season, or not right in some other way. Consider this carefully before you purchase. (thanks Aaron)
2. Ask yourself: "Do I work?" (thanks Mum, and yes, I do.... really hard actually!)
3. The memories are worth the dint in the credit card. (thanks Bec)
4. Don't be overwhelmed; just take each day at a time. (thanks Kass)
5. Ask yourself: "How can I leave this here?" (that's mine. This especially applies alongside its partnering question, "When, if ever, will I return?")

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